Results of Yesterday’s Reader Survey: If You Do What You Love, Will Money Follow?

 woman_money.gif rich Jennifer image by zao75231 

Yesterday’s post generated over 140 visits to my blog.  This was the most I’ve ever had.  Do you think this topic hit a nerve? 

Since I asked for your experiences, I’ll share mine too.  Like many of you, it’s a mixed bag.  I’ve spent my adult life parenting and working part time jobs that are kind of academic but allow me to write.  They deal with interests that matter to me.  They pay well enough. 

That’s all good.  But now I’m reconnecting with passions I had as a child, before money was any concern.  Words were there, but also the visual arts.   And also, a process was there; an attitude—of exploring, losing myself in a creative activity, seeing where it will take me, and what I can make. 

Age has convinced me that I have a contract with the universe, so to speak—or God, or whatever one chooses to call a higher power—to follow these passions.  I believe they are there for a reason.   

I spend time every day on one or  more of these passions;  blogging, gardening, flowers, or sewing.  The process is almost more important than the specific task.  I do love this.  However, it only works one day at a time.  Controlling outcomes does not work (for me).  Maybe I’ll be “led” to work harder at making money.  Maybe not.    

I deeply believe that “more will be revealed” as to what my passions are for.   And in the meantime, I’m keeping my day job….   

Survey Results: 

In doing what you love, will money follow?

(I’ve deleted some of the personal parts.  If you want the complete words, you can read yesterday’s comments.)

Imogen Lamport said...I do what I love and I'm earning a living from it. I think when you do something you love you put lots of time and energy into it, so will more likely make money if you stick to it and keep working at it.

Pyzahn said... I have not yet found my "passion", but I did walk away from a job that made me miserable and I have NO regrets.  I still thank my blessings that I'm marching to my own drummer.

Lola said... Yes! Yes! Yes! 

Protege said... It is my experience that the most happiest moments in my life have cost me no money at all. However tacky it might sound, the truth still remains - the best in life is indeed free.

Northmoon said... I'm afraid that I don't believe in the "Do what you love and the money will follow."  It's a catch 22.  I wish that there was one clear, definite right answer for me, "Here you go, you are meant to do this." People who have a calling or a passion are very lucky.

La Belette Rouge said...I keep doing what I love and the money has yet to follow. Maybe the money has followed and it didn't have my forward addressing and it was returned to sender. 

Doreen said... well, I like my job, and I make a decent living. I am thankful for my job also and the benefits that come with it.  In that way I am blessed.  But I would love to not have to work for a living! I would love to just take daily adventure with my camera. I need to win the lottery.

studioJudith said...I'm glad you added the note
"a modest living,” for I would have to say that has been my experience for the past 20 years. I've been a self employed interior designer, choosing to do what I love.  It's been quite a roller coaster.   

The Small Fabric Of My Life said...After 12 years as a staff journalist I went freelance. I always dreaded the work drying up. But it never did. New opportunities came.  I have never had ambitions to earn a fortune but simply to earn a modest living from what I enjoy doing. That is a long way of saying "yes" to your question!

Renee said... What an interesting question.  Half the time I don't even know what I would like to do.  But I think that if you love something, that money could follow it. But there would have to be balance.  You could love what you do but then you would have to market it at some point to sell it.

ethelmaepotter! said...This is a most thought-provoking question. The simple answer is no, but there is so much to consider.  My JOB allows me a bit of time and money to indulge in my passions. And, if made money on my passions, would they continue to be my passions, or would they press upon me with urgencies and deadlines, and cease to become my passions, and rather become dreaded chores?

Modest Mom said... I always find that when I'm doing what I love I can live on less and not feel deprived.

drollgirl said...I am not sure about this. I have always loved art, so i have worked in the arts for years and years. Most jobs can be rather aggravating, even in the arts, but I find if I am not surrounded by what I like it is MUCH, MUCH WORSE!

Sparkling Red said...I do love my job, although the love developed in time, like an arranged marriage.

Cynthia L. H. said... I have spent years following my dreams...usually the money followed someone else. I also spent a lot of time doing what "had to be done..." and leaving the dreams until last. Now, I have put the dreams first. There is still so much "work" involved.  I don't mind the hard work. I just really am ready for the pay-off.

Lianne said... It's good to read what others have experienced. Maybe the question for me is not doing what I love, but loving what I do.

Sher said... I say no. If you are lucky to be in a profession you love and it's making enough to live the way you want to live....then you are lucky.  Other wise there are compromises. 

tiffany said...Great question. I can't say I love what I do 100%, but a few years ago I wrote myself a list of what I wanted.  . My current freelance work landed in my lap a short time later. So I may not adore what I do, but it plays to my skills, gives me flexibility and pays very well. I never forget how lucky I am.